It's for men and women in committed relationships, with a spousal equivalent, significant other, boyfriend/girlfriend, or same sex partner where a traditional marriage is not chosen. English provides a variety of words to describe folks in serious relationships but the words are full of ambiguity... Just reflect on the word "Partner." Without a traditional marriage ... Read More about Who is this site for?
Share your Para-kin stories
To all the Para-kin families, blended families and step-families, we are soliciting stories, anecdotes, articles or essays to share for publication. If you are or have that special p-mom, p-dad in your family or you are blessed with a p-son or daughter, please email your story to, or use the form below. Any questions, please contact me directly. It’s…
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What is Kinship?
“Kinship is the most universal and basic of all human relationships and is based on ties of blood, marriage, or adoption. There are two basic kinds of kinship ties: those based on blood ties that trace descent and those based on marriage, adoption, or other connections.” Definition by Crossman, Ashley. “Kinship.” ThoughtCo, Mar. 2, 2017, Para-kin refers to this…
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P-spouse right to the end.
I read your article yesterday and I had to write. I had love, joy and honor with PK. His daughter, who I met 23 years before, treated me like a newcomer, the day he died. Hurt? You bet, but in the end, it is about a great relationship. And she knows the truth – there is no hiding that Karma. PK had Alzheimer’s…
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This concept so hits home.
This concept of family inclusion is so necessary that I want to share my experience. I spent 49 years in a close relationship with my stepdad. More time with him than his children, which was sad. They loved him but life went on for them. I went up every other weekend to help with him and we loved each other. When he passed…
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So many questions… only one answer!
Para-kin.. What is it? So many folks are asking questions so here is a short synopsis. They are new terms which are foreign and strange sounding, pretty much like Ms. was in the fifties. But look at “Ms” now. It’s on every form that we encounter. So Para-kin terms like p-mom or p-dad sound odd until they break into the lingo. “Para” meaning…
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So why don’t you guys just get married
Some partners are asked that regularly. Folks often jump to the conclusion that “it must have been a horrible divorce the first time around.” or they hear, “he was taken to the cleaners by his first wife.” Truth is, for some couples, this is exactly why they will not marry again. But there are a number of reasons why people are not marrying or remarrying…
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